Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jumping in head first

My name is Nelissa Donovan and I am blog ignorant. :-) Right. If it isn't obvious (*cough, cough*) this is my first blog. Trying to figure out what I'm doing here.

I'm listening to Shinedown's "Leave a Whisper", enjoying a Smirnoff Twisted (Watermelon...yum) and wondering why on earth I'm diving into the blog scene tonight. Well.....I figure I've given enough excuses (no time, no inclination, time) and tonight seems as good a time as any. And it doesn't help that I'm listening to "Crying Out" which incompasses "no turning back" "reinvent your life" ect. :-) Time to get my ass in gear and reconnect, so to speak, with other writers, and most importantly my readers.

I'm looking forward to getting a handle on my blog and not looking so hopelessly stupid as time and posts progress.




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