Sunday, January 22, 2006

Thinking Ink

Visited a local tattoo artist yesterday (Wisemagic Tattoo) and set a date for my first tattoo. Been thinking about it for years, but the moment wasn't "right" until this year. Hard to explain....but I didn't want to get a tat just to get one. It needed to have meaning, you know? Anyhooo, the time was right, and I met Mark at Wisemagic through my DH who received an awesome tattoo from him in December. I'm so excited! I know it will be painful, and I chose a detailed design, so will likely be in the chair for 2 hours or more, but it was the only way to go. I'll be getting a koi fish on my lower back swimming through water and sprinkled with cherry blossoms. Bright colors, lots of movement. Koi traditionally represent courage in the face of adversity and determination. For me it also represents conscious, directed movement--managing your own flow and destiny. Let's face it, we're all swimming up stream in a not-so-friendly environment. Having vision, direction, is essential. And it's so easy to lose your way!!

Check out this koi fish design on Keith Alexander. Very cool.

Okay, enough with my musings. If anyone has stories to share on their own first tats or on the symbolism of koi fish, please share!! I'll be certain to post a picture once done, which will be in about 2 weeks.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my first tattoo in summer of 2004. Our old family cat, Precious, had to be put to sleep in February and I was in Japan at the time. When I went home for a summer holiday, I got a tattoo of a cat sitting with it's back to the viewer and it's got a halo and a pair of angel wings. I think it only took about an hour and a half and really, it didn't hurt all that much. To me, the best way to describe it would be being sanded by an electric sander. Oh and I got it on my upper back, between my shoulder blades; I've heard where you get tattoo'd makes it hurt more or less.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Nelissa said...

Thanks for the insight! Your tattoo sounds very cool. I've heard the pain described several different ways. I like the "sanding" descriptoin...better than "it feels like being cut open with an exacto knife" a comment one of our friends made trying to get a rise out of us. :-)

7:40 PM  
Blogger Vivi Anna said...

Hey Nelissa...I got my first tat when I just turned 18, so in 1988. A black panther on my back, covering one entire shoulder blade. It's still my favorite to this day, and I have three others, and am planning a couple more this year...

They can become addicting...

5:43 PM  
Blogger Nelissa said...

Hi Vivi!

I have heard that. My DH already wants another, and ironically, he wants a panther! Yours sounds awesome, Vivi. What does the panther represent to you? (if you'd like to share). I'm always curious why people make the tattoo design choices that they do.

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Nelissa! I finally made my way over here and I'm going to add you to my list of blogs.

A tatoo, eh? You can wear those crop-top shirts to show it off. You're slender and look good enough to do it! I hear that where there's little flesh, though, it hurts. Ouch.

BTW, I just tagged you on my blog! I have the cowboy of the week up and then the thing you have to do when you're tagged. *g*

8:13 AM  
Blogger Annie Windsor said...

My daughter has several tattoos, and she loves them. I think they look pretty cool. Hers are on the backs of her shoulders and one on her lower back, just at her pants line.

Me, I've never been brave enough! You go.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Nelissa said...

Never say never, Annie. I thought I'd never be brave enough either. Of course, my appointment is next Friday....always time to back out. *grin*

5:36 PM  

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