Monday, March 13, 2006

Tagged! Perfect Partner.... helps to CHECK your blog every now and then. :-)

Okay, Chey tagged me, so I need to describe my perfect partner.

First of all, I don't believe there IS a perfect partner. Only because no one is perfect, and it's the differences, IMO, that can make a relationship damn interesting.

That said....MY perfect (or almost perfect) partner would be someone with exceptionally quick wit. Someone who thinks deep, but not TOO deep to where they can't fully connect. My perfect partner would be totally in to me. Not in a worship sense, but in a passionate way that defies logic and "the rules." We would be able to laugh together, adventure together, cry together, and explore each other physically, emotionaly and mentally up on side and down the other.

A best friend with benefits, you might say. :-)

But then again, I have that describing my perfect partner isn't so hard to do.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great perfect partner, Sheri! And it's nice that you married him. :D



6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO what was Chey's Perfect Partner? Sexy cowboy in all black? hee hee Nellie

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When u stop being best frineds with your lover...its over. The Best (or so they think) smut writers, or so they profess they are...miss it..ahhh....naivity wins.

8:54 PM  

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